Fundraising for Sarcoma UK

Leiomyasarcoma (LMS) Research

In March 2020, Win was diagnosed with a rare form of soft tissue cancer, namely Leiomyosarcoma (LMS). Win was treated at the Royal Marsden Hospital in Chelsea by a dedicated Sarcoma Team.
Despite the valiant efforts of the Team to find an effective treatment and Win’s indomitable spirit, her body finally succumbed to this aggressive tumour on Thursday 8 July 2021.
During Win’s treatment, it was clear that she responded to some drugs more effectively than others and, due to its aggressive growth, it was also clear that time was of the essence in trying to determine which drugs are likely to have the best outcome when treating LMS. Win herself, identified that a certain type of drugs, called PARP inhibitors, may be particularly effective as a targeted treatment for LMS. Indeed, Win was looking to start on a trial for one such drug called Olaparib. Unfortunately, Win passed away before being able to start the trial.

Sarcoma UK (bone and soft tissue cancer charity), with its extensive research programme, is currently supporting an exciting research project led by Professor Val Brunton at the University of Edinburgh which aims to identify new drugs that could improve outcomes for patients with leiomyosarcoma. The research also aims to find specific genetic changes in the cancer that predict if different drugs (such as Olaparib) are likely to work. If the research shows the drugs work, they could be made available more quickly to patients with LMS and greatly improved the likely outcomes. Whilst this was too late for Win, it is a demonstration that there is hope for those who have been diagnosed with (or will be diagnosed in the future with) LMS.

More details on the project can be found here - Testing new drugs and pinpointing the markers of their effectiveness in leiomyosarcoma | Sarcoma UK
Such research projects are heavily dependant on private donations and as such we are looking to raise funds to support this exciting, innovative and necessary work, in memory of Win.

Fundraising in memory of Win

3 Peaks Challenge on 11 July 2024

On 11 July 2024 (3 days and 3 years after Win’s passing), Martin (Win’s husband) and work colleagues from URM Consulting Services (Lisa Dargan and Matt Thomas) will endeavour to ascend (and descend!) Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon the 3 respective highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales, in 23 hours.
In the process, they hope to raise as much money as possible for the LMS Research Project at Sarcoma UK in memory of Win.
The challenge will be monitored and validated by Challenge Central. Steve King at Challenge Central comments that the 3 colleagues will find 3 Peaks in 23 hours tough but will be greatly motivated by raising money for such a worthy cause.
Kerry Reeves-Kneip Director of Fundraising and Communication at Sarcoma UK also comments that “The money Martin, Lisa and Matt raise in the Three Peaks Challenge will support Sarcoma UK's work to fund groundbreaking research into leiomyosarcoma, the rare cancer that claimed the life of Martin’s wife, Win. Sarcoma UK backs world-class science to understand sarcoma better, improve treatments, and ultimately make a difference to people’s lives. Our research programme supports scientific ideas to make diagnosis more accurate, enable new and better treatments, and improve outcomes for sarcoma patients. Since 2009, we’ve committed over £7 million to over 80 research projects, thanks to the generosity of supporters”

If you would like to sponsor Martin, Matt and Lisa and raise much needed funds for the LMS Research Project, please go to this Just Giving page. All monies raised will be channelled into this specific research.